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Le Grazie

Le Grazie is a hamlet of the town of Porto Venere and a seaside village that participates in the Palio del Golfo.
In the promontory of the Graces is situated the bastion of the Varignano, originally Lazzaretto of the Genoese Republic, then penal bath of the Kingdom of Sardinia, now seat of the Grouping Divers and Raiders “Teseo Tesei” the Command under which the Divers Operating Group and the Italian Navy Raiders Operating Group are headed.

It is of great archaeological importance the residential villa of Roman times of Varignano, situated in the bay of Grazie, on the slopes of the hill Muzzerone and open to the sea in a landscape of great beauty. It produces a typical wine called the under of the gulf.

On the initiative of the then Councillor Gianfranco Vecchio, in 2007, Le Grazie was named “The City of divers and hyperbarism” as the only place, throughout the national territory, specialized bodies related to diving.


On 8 September the Madonna delle Grazie is celebrated, the religious solemnity will be joined, as usual, the appointments of the Octopus Festival and the Patronal Fair. Food stalls will offer participants local specialties such as fried fish, stuffed muscles (mussels), octopus stew, spaghetti with muscles.

The other Villages

Tourist Association
Pro Loco Porto Venere

G. Bastreri Square, 7 19025
Porto Venere (SP)
Openings Hours



Open All day


Closed on wednesday

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